Tantalum Crucible
Tantalum Crucible Tantalum Crucible Tantalum Crucible Tantalum Crucible Tantalum Crucible

Tantalum Crucible

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Product Description

General information

Tantalum crucible is inactive to the majority of the elements and compounds. It is resistant to corrosion and most of the acids. It is non-reactive to most of the gases and less reactive to alkaline solutions. Heating and vaporisation parts are usually made up of tantalum because it has high resistance to high temperature and low vapour pressure.

Tantalum crucible, made up of tantalum, a blue-grey metal. It is extremely heavy, ductile, hard, and has the fourth highest melting point of all metals. Tantalum crucibles come in a variety of shapes and sizes available as per the requirements.

M-Kube Enterprise is an Australian company catering customized laboratory products, laboratory consumables and laboratory solutions in Australia, Dubai, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, USA, and Vietnam. Our team of experts across different platforms can discuss and customize your requirements as per your needs.

Please reach out to us on [email protected] or call us on +61478594746 to discuss your projects.

We also provide Tantalum Wires, Tantalum Rods and Tubes, and Tantalum substrates.

Key properties

  • High melting point 3017 °C
  • High boiling point 5458 °C
  • Material strength
  • Chemically stable
  • Chemically inert
  • High density
  • High resistance to corrosion
  • Ductile


Tantalum crucible’s properties like high temperature resistance, resistance to corrosion chemical stability and chemical inertness, makes it the perfect material to be used in various industrial and laboratory applications. It is used: –

  • As a substitute for platinum
  • For creating superalloys and electron-beam melting
  • In metallurgical industries
  • For machinery processing
  • For glass, and ceramic industries