Gentian Violet USP

Gentian Violet USP

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Product Description


Name Of Product: Gentian Violet
Pharmacopoeial Name: Gentian Violet USP
Synonyms:Gentian Violet ; Crystal Violet ; Basic Violet 3 ; Methylrosanilinium Chloride
CAS No:548-62-9



Sr. NoCriteriaLimit/SpecificationOur Results
1.DescriptionDark Green Crystalline PowderDark Green Crystalline Powder
2.SolubilityMust Pass USP TestPasses USP Test
3.IdentificationMust Pass TestsMust Pass Tests
4.ArsenicNMT 0.001%<0.001%
5.LeadNMT 0.003%<0.003%
6.ZincNMT 0.05%< 0.05%
7.Chromatographic PurityMust Pass TestPasses Test
8.Alcohol Insoluble Matter TestNMT 1.0% (10 mg)4.0 – 4.9 mg
9.Residue On IgnitionNMT 1.5%0.2 – 0.4%
10.WaterNMT 7.5%3.0 – 4.5%
11.Assay [With Reference To Subs. Dried
At 105˚C & As % Of C25h30n3cl (Dye Content)]
MINIMUM 96% TO 100.5%97.0 – 98.8%


AY (Anhydrous Subs.& as % of C14H14N3Cl)MINIMUM 95.0% TO 105.0% MAXIMUM98.0 -99.7%


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